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Change of Plans

Hi, It's been a while since I've written on this blog again. I've written stuff to make my own commitments public and pressure myself at least to do them. As much as I would love to reach my previous goals, I must steer my energy somewhere due to sudden circumstances.  Last July/September, my laptop borked and refused to boot itself up. My dad did some fixing and figured that the motherboard wasn't working -- making the entire device useless . Due to that, I can only use the Linux-based family computer whenever it is available. There's only so much that I can do with my given state.  For now, I can write and draw. In my spare time, I have gone back to reading books. It's an act I have taken for granted and didn't bother enjoying ever since I was stuck with reading assignments at the university . It brings me a bit of joy that I can appreciate and analyze pieces of literature and the news without the time constraint and find which word combination will meet t...

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